Frank Tuttle

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Frank Tuttle lives and writes in the perpetually humid wilderness of North Mississippi. Frank tried to be a proper Southern author and write about pickups and hound dogs, but trolls and magic kept creeping into his stories, so Frank is a fantasy author. Although hounds do make occasional appearances in his fiction.

Most of the books you'll see here are part of the Markhat series, which features a hard-boiled, wise-cracking detective in a world where magic works. Here are the titles, and the order I suggest for readers:

* Three Mean Streets

* Hold the Dark

* The Banshee's Walk

* The Broken Bell

* Brown River Queen

* The Five Faces

* The Darker Carnival

* Way Out West

* Knob Hill Haunt (a Mama Hog short story, featuring characters from the novels)

I also have a Young Adult series!

* Saving the Sammi (novella)

* All the Paths of Shadow (novel)

* All the Turns of Light (novel)

* Every Wind of Change (novel)

All the Paths of Shadow, All the Turns of Light, and Every Wind of Change are part of a planned 4 book series (the Paths of Shadow series). But each book stands alone! I don't write cliff-hanger endings. You have my word on that.

Finally, anthologies of my short stories (most published in print in the 1990s) are also available here on Amazon.

* Wistril Compleat

* On the Road

* The Far Corners

* Passing the Narrows

* The New Author's Guide to Writing

The University of Mississippi did a documentary on Frank. You can view this short film at

Frank welcomes your comments, and can always be reached via email at, or through his website,
