Derek P. Gilbert


Derek P. Gilbert hosts Five in Ten, a daily analysis of the news for SkyWatchTV, and co-hosts the weekly programs The Bible's Greatest Mysteries and Unraveling Revelation with his wife, author and analyst Sharon K. Gilbert. Derek is a Christian, a husband and father, and the author of the groundbreaking books ‘Bad Moon Rising,’ an analysis of the spiritual forces behind Islam, ‘The Great Inception,’ and ‘Last Clash of the Titans.’ He’s also the co-author with Sharon K. Gilbert of 'Giants, Gods & Dragons,' a new take on end times prophecy that names the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and ‘Veneration,’ a deep study on the ancient cult of the Rephaim. Derek has also co-authored ‘The Day the Earth Stands Still’ with Josh Peck, which documents the occult origins of “ancient aliens.” Derek's new book is 'The Second Coming of Saturn,' which exposes the many faces of the Roman god Saturn and his role during the end times.



