Extraordinary describes Rebecca Ondov's life. Fifteen years she rode her horse through the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex of Montana from May through December, leading groups of people on horseback and packing their gear on mules over miles of rugged winding trails. Two years she rode for the U.S. Forest Service as the Wilderness Ranger for the Scapegoat Wilderness. With her German shepherd trotting along side, she roamed thousands of miles of mountain trails--alone--pulling her pack mule behind her. Often times, on the ten-day hitches she never saw another soul.
Through the years Rebecca developed a unique outlook on life. Each day proved simple--either she lived or she died. If she lived, then she tackled the next day's adventures. "Believe me," say Rebecca, "I developed tons of character as I encountered everything from grizzly bears to injured horses! Most of the time, I worked at least a two-day horseback ride from the nearest help. All I had to fix the situation were my wits and God--God always turned out to be my best bet.
With pen and paper, Rebecca has captured these adventures to share them with you. Rebecca invites you to, "Saddle up with me and ride through the pages of my writings for an adventure of a lifetime."
To learn more about Rebecca visit her Website: http://RebeccaOndov.com