H.P. Albarelli Jr. is a writer and investigative journalist who lives in Vermont, Florida, and London (U.K.). He has written numerous feature articles about the 9-11 anthrax attacks; biological warfare; the American intelligence community; the death of Frank Olson; the Cuban revolution; and social and political affairs.Some of his work can be found at the World Net Daily, Cubanet, Counterpunch, and Crime Magazine websites, as well as in numerous magazines and newspapers. Albarelli's articles have been acknowledged and cited in many publications and books, including American History magazine,THE BIOLOGY OF DOOM by Ed Regis; Alston Chase's classic, HARVARD AND THE UNABOMBER;and THE EIGHTY GREATEST CONSPIRACIES OF ALL TIME by Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen. An accomplished scriptwriter and playwright, Albarelli's LIFE GOES ON, written with his brother, Dean Albarelli, was published by WITNESS, a literary journal and perfomed in several theaters; in 1995 Albarelli produced and directed Academy Award winner's Steve Tesich's play ON THE OPEN ROAD. Albarelli is a graduate of Antioch law School, and has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, South Africa, the Middle East, and the Sudan. His first novel, THE HEAP, was published several years ago,and his fictional account of infamous narcotics agent George Hunter White's activities in the 1950s will be released next year, as will his biography of White, which will be published by TrineDay Books. Albarelli's website is: www.Albarelli.net