Joanna Barsh


Director Emerita at McKinsey & Company after 30+ years, Joanna Barsh is also the best-selling author of "How Remarkable Women Lead" and "Centered Leadership," which is the companion piece that teaches you the skills, tools, and practices to lead remarkably. Joanna created and launched The Centered Leadership Project in 2008 at McKinsey & Company in collaboration with dozens of colleagues to accelerate development of aspiring leaders. In 2015, Joanna embarked on new research to explore how high performing, high potential younger professionals face challenges at work. Her groundbreaking new book, "Grow Wherever You Work" will be published in October, 2017. It includes the real-world stories of rising leaders, Joanna's hard-nosed advice, and concrete actions to turn your own work challenges into accelerated growth. Joanna is a strong advocate for women. Invited by Mayor Bloomberg, Joanna served on NYC's Commission on Women's Issues from 2002 to 2013. She led seminal research on unlocking the potential of women for The Wall Street Journal's Women in the Economy Task Force in 2011 and 2012 and for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2013. She has spoken with many business and government leaders on women's advancement, including Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, and the U.K. Co-chair of the Leadership Working Group of the U.S. State Department's International Council on Women's Business Leadership, Joanna helped launch a program to develop women leaders globally. Joanna holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago and Harvard Business School, where she was a Baker Scholar.


