Margaret Dilloway is the author of middle grade and women's fiction. says she's 51% Asian, as well as Irish and Welsh, though she's not sure how the extra 1% is possible. Her fictional character analysis says she's half Dumbledore and half Audrey from Twin Peaks. Awards include the Children's Literature Council of Southern California's Award for Best Children's Literature (Summer of a Thousand Pies); ALA's Asian/Pacific Islander Honor Award for Children's Literature (Momotaro: Xander and the Island of Monsters); the ALA Literary Tastes Award for Women's Fiction (The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns); and the Pulpwood Queens' Bonus Book of the Year Award (The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns). Margaret is a long form improv performer and produces an online improv show, the Baby-Sitters Club Interactive Improv and Trivia show, a parody based on the book series, through the Pack Theater in Los Angeles every month. She's also on a house team at Finest City Improv in San Diego.