Nancy Clark


I started my career as a sports dietitian at a time when few people realized the powerful impact food has on performance. Times have changed! Today, most of my clients come to me admitting "nutrition is my missing link." They realize they could get more from their workouts if only they could eat better. In my "Sports Nutrition Guidebook" as well as my food guides for new runners, marathoners, cyclists and soccer players, I share years of my experiences with counseling both casual exercisers and competitive athletes, helping them win with good nutrition. Some win by losing undesired body fat. Others win by running faster, lifting heavier weight, enjoying a marathon without hitting the wall, or by finding the right balance of food and exercise. I hope you enjoy my books. They are written from my passion for helping people enjoy food as one of life's pleasures, as well as an energizer for this marathon called "life." For more information, please see my website,



