Angela Alaimo O'Donnell teaches English, Creative Writing, and courses in American Catholic Studies at Fordham University in New York City. She also serves as Associate Director of Fordham's Curran Center for American Catholic Studies. O'Donnell has published two chapbooks, MINE (Finishing Line 2007) and WAITING FOR ECSTASY (Franciscan University Press 2009), and seven full-length collections of poems, MOVING HOUSE (2009), SAINT SINATRA & OTHER POEMS (2011), WAKING MY MOTHER (2013), LOVERS' ALMANAC (2015), STILL PILGRIM (2017), ANDALUSIAN HOURS (2020), and LOVE IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS: A PANDEMIC PILGRIMAGE (2021). O'Donnell's poems have appeared in a variety of journals, including ALABAMA LITERARY REVIEW, AMERICA, ANGLICAN THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, CHRISTIAN CENTURY, POTOMAC REVIEW, RUNES, COMSTOCK REVIEW, HAWAII PACIFIC REVIEW, MEZZO CAMMIN, FIRST THINGS,POST ROAD, SAINT KATHERINE REVIEW, ITALIAN AMERICANA, XAVIER REVIEW, VALPARAISO POETRY REVIEW and WINDHOVER. O'Donnell was awarded the New York Encounter Poetry Prize. She has been nominated for Pushcart and Best of the Web Prizes, and was a finalist for the Paraclete Poetry Prize, the Foley Poetry Prize and the Mulberry Poet's Award. SAINT SINATRA was nominated for the Arlin G. Meyer Prize in Imaginative Writing and STILL PILGRIM was nominated for Best Book of the Year by Christianity & Literature. O'Donnell also writes essays on and reviews of contemporary poetry and literature. Her essays and reviews have appeared in STUDIES IN PHILOLOGY, COMMONWEAL,CHRISTIANITY & LITERATURE, AMERICA, ITALIAN AMERICANA, and MEZZO CAMMIN,among other journals, and have been anthologized in several essay collections, including TEACHING THE TRADITION and THE CATHOLIC STUDIES READER. O'Donnell has also published THE PROVINCE OF JOY (2012), a book of hours based on the theological imagination of Flannery O'Connor, and MORTAL BLESSINGS (2014), a memoir/meditation on caring for her mother in the last 48 days of her life. in addition, she has written an award-winning biography of Flannery O'Connor, FLANNERY O'CONNOR: FICTION FIRED BY FAITH (2015), and a book-length study of Flannery O'Connor's attitudes towards race, RADICAL AMBIVALENCE: RACE IN FLANNERY O'CONNOR (2020). VISIT O'DONNELL'S WEBSITE: To read full reviews of MOVING HOUSE, please visit the following links: