Julia (J M Newsome) is the award-winning author of two English Readers published by Cambridge University Press, among other English as a Foreign Language (EFL) books. In her long career in EFL, she lived in, and often wrote about, various countries. Now, with her first dual timeline trilogy, she has come home. The present-day sections of the Connection Trilogy are set in Cumbria, where Julia spent part of her childhood, has forebears, and now lives. The ancient story is set in Greece, where she lived and worked for over twenty years, and where she still has family. "I've always been fascinated by what has survived from 5th Century BCE Greece,” she says. "Dashing to work in Athens, I’d catch glimpses of the Parthenon between modern buildings. Outside the city, I’d notice tumbled masonry, studded with wildflowers, behind rickety fences. I would think, ‘Who were the real people who carved those stones, who lived in those buildings?’ While teaching English to Greek students and working in publishing EFL teaching books, I learned (and am still learning!) a good deal about Hellenic culture and history. Themistokles’ story in The Connection Trilogy grew out of this fascination.”