Hillary Davis

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Hillary Davis is a the author of The Hamptons Kitchen (2020), Le French Oven, French Desserts, French Comfort Food, Cuisine Niçoiose, and the critically acclaimed A Million A Minute. She is a freelance food writer, cooking instructor and speaker. She is a long time food columnist and restaurant critic for New Hampshire Magazine and her work has been featured in the Boston Globe, French Entree, Connecticut Home Living, Hartford Magazine, Tastes of New England, CelebrationNH, ParisLuxe.com, Bonjour Paris, and other regional, national, and international publications. She has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including Bloomberg Business News, B Sky B Television News in London, CNBC, BBC radio, WMUR-TV, WBK-Radio, and other local stations in the U.S. She has been a food and travel lecturer on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity cruise lines. As a food authority, she is a frequent judge of cooking competitions and a speaker at food and blogging events.

She lives in Bridgehampton in the Hamptons. She also lived in France for over 13 years, 2 in Paris and over 11 in the south of France in the village of Bar-sur-Loup. She resides in France now for months at a time, as well as in NYC. A lover of all things French, she credits her years of dining in the Michelin stars and in friends and neighbors' homes with infusing her with a knowledge of cooking that spans homemade to haute cuisine. She can't wait to try a new recipe, discover a new dish, or learn about places and restaurants and share it all with her readers and followers on social media. The ability of food to bring people together in a spirit of sharing and giving inspires her writing.

She earned a degree in Economics from Columbia University and a graduate degree in International Relations from Cambridge University.

To visit her author web site: http://www.Hillary-Davis.com

or her free weekly newsletter: http://www.DestinationFood.Substack.com

On Instagram: hillarydavisny, hillarydavisauthor

On TikTok: hillarydavishillarydavis

On Twitter: @marchedimanche

On Facebook: Marchedimanche

On Pinterest: Marchedimanche
