Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

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Even though I was a writing major in college, I sort of tripped into writing as a career path. I started as a technical editor for a few books, and then got an offer to write one myself. From there I have been fortunate enough to publish consistently.

I have two new books coming out. In November of 2017 the third Edition of the Project Manager’s Book of Forms was released. In January of 2018 the Project Manager’s Book of Tools and Techniques will be released. These two books align with the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition.

The Book of Forms has a new format and provides a link to download the forms electronically. The electronic version of the forms has been much improved. The Book of Tools and Techniques takes a deep dive into many of the techniques we use to manage projects. It describes the tool/technique and then provides a mini-case study on how it would be used. I think this will be really helpful for new and experienced project managers.

I hope these books are useful to you. Thank you for stopping by my author page.
