Simon Webb

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Simon grew up in Croydon, Surrey and now lives near Durham, England. He works as a librarian and writes in his spare time. He has appeared in a number of TV documentaries, for instance on BBC4 and the Yesterday channel, talking about the subjects of his books.

His titles include works of historical fiction, biography, true crime, Shakespearian pastiche, Chaucer translation and local and religious history. He has also published books of poetry.

He has produced a popular modern English version of Robert Hegge's classic 'The Legend of St Cuthbert' and an edition of 'The Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson' by Samuel Bownas. Simon's popular editions of the Brief Lives of John Aubrey are also available.

He has recently edited editions of 'The Bishopric of Durham' (part of 'Brittania' by William Camden), 'Bede's Life of St Cuthbert', 'The History of King Richard II'I by Sir Thomas More, a life of the Quaker James Nayler by his contemporary George Whitehead ('James Nayler: The Quaker Jesus') and Dante Gabriel Rossetti's poetry book, 'Love Sonnets of Dante and His Circle'.

Simon's publisher, the Langley Press, has also published books by Heather Cawte ('Poems in No Particular Order') and Martyn Kelly ('The Theology of Small Things').

His books are sold in the US, UK, Canada and elsewhere and have found their way into libraries in various parts of the world. Articles about, and reviews of, Simon's books have appeared in local and national newspapers and magazines.

Simon has contributed reviews, pictures, poems and articles to magazines in the UK and US.

To contact the author, and for free downloads, exclusive extracts and more detailed information, please visit the Langley Press website at:
