Beth Grabowski


Here I am with my co-author Bill Fick! Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials and Processes introduces the student to fundamental printmaking techniques including relief, intaglio, collagraph, lithography, screen print and monoprint and shows how they can be used to achieve cutting-edge results. Since many students are now interested in combining digital media with traditional methods, this book demonstrates how to use the computer as an image-making tool and translate digital images into tangible works of art. Each chapter features clear, step-by-step illustrations plus expanded case studies, which help the student understand the technical aspects of each printmaking technique. Also, each chapter features a profile with an international contemporary printmaker, including an interview as well as examples of their work. Useful appendices featuring troubleshooting charts, which cover the common problems the beginning printmaker might face, as well as sources for further information, complete this useful textbook for beginners. Beth Grabowski is Professor and Assistant Chair in the Department of Art at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. A member of the faculty since 1985, she has been recognized for her excellence in undergraduate teaching with a Johnston Award and a Bowman and Gordon Gray professorship. Professor Grabowski teaches a variety of classes in the department, including studio courses in drawing, design, book arts and printmaking. Grabowski travels frequently as a guest artist / speaker, giving lectures and workshops. She has been actively involved in the Southern Graphics Council International, the largest international professional organization for print artists, serving as its vice president from 1994-1997. Grabowski holds a B.A. with highest distinction from the University of Virginia and received her MFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has received two North Carolina Arts Council Fellowships as well as an NCAC Project grant. Grabowski's work has been represented widely in national and international venues including recent exhibitions in China and Russia Her prints, drawings, and artist books are included in numerous public and private collections, including the National Museum of Women in the Arts. In 2005, she organized an international exchange portfolio honoring Käthe Kollwitz. An exhibition of the portfolio opened at the Kollwitz Museum-Berlin in September 2005.


