Philip Calvert

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Philip Calvert - LinkedIn Expert, Marketing for Financial Advisers and Sales & Marketing Speaker. Philip is an author and entertaining inspirational keynote speaker for global conferences and sales meetings, revealing the new rules of Social Networking in the new economy. He is a leading LinkedIn expert worldwide and teaches advanced presentation skills to entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, financial advisers and sales professionals.

Using powerful stories, research and case studies, he expose the myths and cons of Social Media in business, and reveals the true power of Social Networking and Online Communities to increase sales and add value to customers.

Conference audiences get proven insights into how to find and attract new clients and customers in an increasingly connected world and the future we need to prepare for. You get specific actionable takeaways that can be put in place immediately to move your business forward.

Philip works with event organisers in regulated industries such as financial services, law, accountancy, healthcare and pharma professionals - plus automotive, schools, universities and CEO groups. Training and presentations are available online / virtually or in-person.

Philip partners closely with event professionals to help make your events a success so that you can sleep well at night. He is easy to work with, reliable and shows up more than fully prepared.

In addition to corporate conferences, events and sales meetings, Philip also works with schools and universities.

→ LinkedIn for Teenagers, University Students & School Careers Leads - How to Use LinkedIn for Career Development & safely transition from 'fun social media' to 'professional social networking', including implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks

→ LinkedIn for Teachers, Education Professionals and School Careers Leaders: How to Succeed with LinkedIn and use it to Support Implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks

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