Swain Scheps

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I'm a full-time technology professional in Oregon and I've written on a broad range of topics, including technology (shocker!), gambling, history, travel, and more. My obvious book writing influences are J.D. Salinger. and Harper Lee..not for style, and certainly no for quality, but strictly in terms of output. So far I'm averaging 11 years per book. Hoping to break the mythical decade barrier with my next one.

Contact me directly, or follow me on Twitter: @swainscheps - I'd like to hear from you and what you think of my book(s) - for better or worse. I appreciate all feedback - and I'll put it to use in the next edition, or in future writing.

Also - visit my website. www.swainscheps.com

If you're a sports bettor and/or if you bought or are thinking of buying Sports Betting for Dummies, I'll publish some additional trends, notes, and links to content on topics that I couldn't squeeze into the book. With 400 pages of writing and diagrams, mistakes are inevitable. I'll make sure to highlight the most important corrections and clarifications that readers need to know about.
