Mark Deuze (1969) is Professor at the Department of Media Studies of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Until 2013 Mark was Associate Professor at Indiana University's Department of Telecommunications in Bloomington, United States. From 2007 to 2011 Mark held a joint appointment as Professor of Journalism and New Media at Leiden University, The Netherlands (his home country). As a journalist he has written for newspapers and websites in South Africa, The Netherlands, and the United States. As a bass guitarist and singer, he has played and performed with Dawn Awakening and Skinflower (which band reformed in 2016; original music available on Bandcamp at: In 2003, Deuze was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication (USA). In 2007, Mark held a Visiting Research Fellowship at the Centre for International Communications Research of the University of Leeds (UK). In 2015-2016 he was a Fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute of the University of Missouri (USA). Mark has held honorary appointments at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, Newcastle University and Northumbria University (UK), Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the University of Helsinki. His research interests include the role of new media in everyday life, and the management of careers and firms across the media industries. Publications of his work include 12 books (four in Dutch) as well as over 100 chapters and articles in scholarly journals such as the The Information Society, New Media & Society, Journalism Studies, and Media Culture & Society. Key books include: "Media Work" (Polity Press, 2007); "Managing Media Work" (Sage, 2011); "Media Life" (Polity Press, 2012); "Making Media" (co-edited with Mirjam Prenger, AUP 2018), "Beyond Journalism" (co-authored with Tamara Witschge, Polity Press, 2020), and "Life in Media: A Global Introduction to Media Studies" (The MIT Press, 2023). Mark is the co-author of the 7th edition of "McQuail's Media and Mass Communication Theory" (published in 2020 by Sage; 8th edition forthcoming in 2025).