David Alexander


David's vision is to create an environment where his clients can embrace a lifestyle of high achievement. David accomplishes this through being the CNO (Chief Networking Officer) of High Achievers. David conveys his passion for teaching people how to create success and live a lifestyle of achievement with a strong emphasis on referral marketing in his #1 best selling book: Networking Like a Pro: Turning Contacts into Connections, co-authored with Dr. Ivan Misner and Brian Hilliard. He’s also a featured author of Roadmap to Success, along with Ken Blanchard and Stephen Covey, and Steeping Stones to Success with Jack Canfield. He has taught thousands of business people and companies how to dramatically increase their business referrals and profitability. David lives the life of his dreams and is passionate about helping others do so. He is a firm believer in the BNI philosophy of “Givers Gain®.” David is also the Executive Director of BNI and runs one of the largest BNI regions in the world. David and his company have won numerous awards with BNI and are currently in the Hall of Fame and Platinum Club. BNI is the world’s leading referral marketing organization. David is a graduate of Western Carolina University. He currently resides with the love of his life, Kimberly, and their two children, Christian and Peyton, in Marietta, Georgia. He considers himself fortunate to be very involved with his family. His interests are: running, exercising, skiing, hiking, camping and spending quality time with family and friends. David Alexander 4994 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 11 Marietta, GA 30068 678.888.0200 www.HighAchievers.com www.BNIsoutheast.com

