Judith V. Boettcher


Judith Boettcher has a Ph.D. in education and cognitive psychology from the University of Minnesota and an MA in English from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. She enjoys thinking and working at the intersection of technology, instructional design and online learning. She has worked in faculty development at Penn State University, Florida State, the University of Florida, and Duquesne University. She is a well known writer and speaker on faculty development in the areas of technology and pedagogy. Her latest book, the Third Edition of the Survival Guide for Teaching Online is an excellent resource for anyone teaching online, whether full courses, or as a hybrid combination. It is designed for higher education faculty, but high school teachers will also find many valuable ideas and tips. The first three chapters on pedagogy and best principles of learning and teaching online are great for an understanding of learning pedagogy no matter one's age. These chapters are also a goldmine for students in educational theory courses. The website — Designing for Learning — with its Library of Coaching Tips and Thoughts on Teaching Blog —  is an excellent resource for faculty and for students in search of ideas for effective learning. These resources are freely available for distribution, given appropriate citation. Judith is the lead author of the two editions of A Faculty Guide for Moving Teaching and Learning to the Web, three editions of the Survival Guide for Teaching Online, an editor of two editions of the Distance Learning Encyclopedia, and author of numerous columns and articles for higher education publications. The website at Designing for Learning (Boettcher) also has seminal articles previously published in many higher education publications. As noted above, additional resources can be found in — Thoughts on Teaching —blog on the website. One of the posts is an interview with Judith on DEVELOPING METACOGNITION: “TEA FOR TEACHING” AUDIO EPISODE from Sept 30 2019. More recent posts address challenges for critical thinking and study hints for college students.



