Over six years ago I retired early from teaching at the age of fifty one and took up writing full time. Having received my share of rejection slips I am now enjoying modest success with non-fiction, being a regular contributor to Reflections, a Derbyshire lifestyle magazine, and having had work published in Writing Magazine and Writers' News. On the fiction front I have a historical romance under consideration at Harlequin: it's the third version so far and I'm very grateful for the help and encouragement received from their editorial staff. Their stamina and patience are truly remarkable. In order to write I think one also has to read. The two seem to me to be closely linked. My taste in reading material is eclectic but I particularly enjoy historical fiction - everything from Georgette Heyer and Alison Weir to the Bronte sisters and Emile Zola. I think his Germinal is one of the finest books ever written. When not pressing a hot keyboard I enjoy cinema, theatre, travel, and walking the Peak District in the company of my husband, Brian.