William R. Mistele


I was born in Detroit, Michigan. My parents were extraordinarily dynamic. They were patrons of all the major Christian evangelists in the United States. They had contact with many political and business leaders. When it came to motor boats, sailboats, planes, and cars, they either set new records or owned some of the most famous ones in the world. In this enchanting environment, you could come down to breakfast in the morning and meet a house guest like Captain Fuchida who led the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. You could hear the Captain and my mother discussing previously undisclosed details about the causes of World War II. However, surrounded as I was by relatives who were masters of engineering, business enterprise, law, and accounting, I pursued a different path. I graduated from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois with a BA in philosophy and a minor in economics. At that time, I began studying esoteric, oral traditions. In genuine mythology, individuals come into contact with the creative powers of the human spirit. Words and language possess a symbolic and imaginative quality that is magical. To understand an idea is to experience it from within. This involves a life long, transforming journey--if you change the self, you change the world. As part of my field research, I lived in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Berkeley, California. I next studied Hopi Indian culture and language at the University of Arizona where I received a Masters degree in linguistics. At that time I became the only accepted student of a Hopi Indian shaman. While living in Tucson, Arizona I began studying the Western hermetic traditions and the nature religions of Wiccans and Druids. I worked with a number of extremely gifted psychics and parapsychologists whose primary focus was on experimentation and research. I also practiced evocation with a Sufi master. I then moved to Hawaii in 1982. There I studied with the relocated abbot of a Taoist monastery that existed for over two thousand years in China, a Vietnamese Zen master, and one of the foremost Tai Chi Chuan masters of China. Since 1975, I have been a steadfast student of the system of initiation taught by the Czech magician, Franz Bardon, who died in the fifties. This system has provided the methods for contacting nature spirits and interacting with them in a personal and original manner. Franz Bardon's mission was to offer a system of self-initiation that maximizes the spiritual powers and creativity of the individual. Over the years I have worked as a group facilitator and a mediator in family and divorce mediation. I have taught as a civilian instructor for the U.S. navy and marines. I have researched investing strategies for individuals' portfolios. I am also a life long student researching strategies for resolving international conflicts. I consider myself a spiritual anthropologist. Expanding on Bardon's purposes, I am integrating into his system the wisdom of a large number of traditions. To this end, I have created a new genre of modern fairy tales. These stories are not about belief or faith but direct experience. They open gates to other realms where we discover the keys to what is missing from life. The reason I write fairy tales instead of presenting a book on case studies in anthropology is that there is no way to account for what they are or why these women exist among us. The fairy tale/mythology context, on the other hand, allows me to explain how mermaids who dwell in the body of women fill in for what is missing from human experience. In 1998, I created a teaching website where I post my research and writings. This site currently offers a free correspondence course and on-going seminar for developing undine empathy. See shell.lava.net/~pagios/books.html I am also establishing an archive on this site that gathers individuals' experiences with undines/mermaids from around the world. The goal is to expand and add clarity to the body of world literature in this area. See shell.lava.net/~pagios/videopoems.html williammistele.com/videopoems.html youtube.com/emedetz The above location also includes biographies, specific traits, and other material related to a new type of personality never before described--mermaid type women. In the best fairy tale tradition, I video tape interviews with women and a few men who are highly empathic and closely tied to nature. A compelling case can be made that they are not human beings but mermaids and mermen in human bodies. I write fairy tales to tell the back story of how they acquired human bodies and why they have chosen to dwell among us.


