Laura Regan

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Laura Regan was born in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1950. Her family moved to the San Francisco Bay area when she was three. By the time she was in kindergarten, Laura knew that she wanted to be an artist, and she followed that path through high school and into college, where she majored in graphic design. In her spare time, Laura would paint(mainly flora and fauna), and before long she was exhibiting and selling her original pieces throughout the country. In 1990 she started illustrating. Her first children's book was illustrated for Jane Yolen ("Welcome to the Green House"). Among the 13 books that Laura has illlustrated are three more books with Jane and four books with Jean Marzollo (of "I Spy" fame), including "Mama Mama" and "Papa Papa", and most recently "Pierre the Penguin"

In 2012 Laura and her husband Peter moved to Austin, Texas where she started her own wildlife greeting card business using images taken from her original paintings. Laura & Peter enjoy all sorts of outdoor activities.....but they especially love visits from their 6 grown kids and lots of adorable grandchildren!
