Mark Sutherland was born at a very young age in Irvine, Scotland, lived for a wee bit in Edinburgh, and was then dragged, kicking and screaming, into England-much to the annoyance of the gentleman in the plane seat in front of 1-year old Mark. In England, he fell in love with his new home, and grew to appreciate all of the United Kingdom. Its history, its food, its people and its opportunity. In the late 80s, Mark emigrated to the US, and landed in Missouri, home of a big Arch, and welcoming people. He's been in Missouri ever since, working in marketing, economic development and public relations, launching businesses, falling in love, raising a family, and bragging about Missouri globally. During this time, he was also appointed as the British Honorary Consul to Missouri and as a GlobalScot, graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, received volunteer awards from two U.S. presidents, played around with kilts and jets (not at the same time thank goodness), and is a regular on radio and television due to the fact that Yanks like British accents-a lot. Today he continues a long-term vision of bringing Missouri and the United Kingdom closer together and recruits people on both sides of the Pond to assist. He proudly claims to have three home countries. Follow him on Twitter - @MarkISutherland