Anthony Rosario Calfo is a lifelong writer and wordsmith...driven to see, share and experience with world - especially with others - through clear communications. What a marvelous thing to pique someone's interest, to illuminate, or to inspire them! In a apprenticed to Life. Seek the Big Ideas...and dance with them. You don't have to accept them, repeat them or even remember them. But to find a piece of writing that is exhilarating is like dancing with God, and all the more thrilling and precious for how brief such experiences will be. The writings of this author explore all that life has to offer. The tender moments, the sublime, the erotic, the grotesque, brilliance and brutality...the triumphant and the moments of chagrin. All of the ingredients of a rich and colorful fabric of life for a reader.
May peace be with you/Namaste. Anth-