Lisa Lam

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Lisa Lam successfully combines her love of sewing with her work in her busy online store She stocks purse making supplies, her own sewing patterns and kits. Lisa also regularly contributes to sewing magazines and writes in her craft blog Her first book is "The Bag Making Bible".

Lisa was born in the UK to parents for whom DIY was a way of life. As a child she loved experimenting with her Mother's huge 70s fabric stash. Fun school holidays were spent sewing up Sindy Doll dresses or crafting brum-brum cars out of big cardboard boxes. Now Lisa has grown up nothing has really changed except that now she has her own (out-of-control) fabric stash.

Not only is she passionate about making bags and sewing in general she is passionate about sharing her sewing knowledge. "Thanks to my Mum, sewing and craft is what I do. It's fun, it's therapy and it makes me happy. I can't imagine life without it. Give it try and you'll be hooked too!" Lisa lives in Brighton, UK.
