Anita Gonzalez (Ph.D.) is a professor of performing arts and Global Black Studies at Georgetown University and a co-founding director of their Racial Justice Institute. Her edited and authored books are Shipping Out: Race, Performance and Labor at Sea, Performance, Dance and Political Economy (Bloomsbury), Black Performance Theory (Duke), Afro-Mexico: Dancing Between Myth and Reality (U-Texas Press), and Jarocho’s Soul (Rowan Littlefield). She has published articles about performance histories and cultures in the Radical History Review, Modern Drama, Theatre Research International, and Dance Research Journal. Additional essays about intercultural performance appear in the edited collections African Performance Arts and Political Acts, Black Acting Methods, Narratives in Black British Dance, The Community Performance Reader, and the Oxford Handbook of Dance and Theatre. She is a member of American Society for Theatre Research, the International Federation for Theatre Research, the Academy of American Arts and Sciences, and the Dramatists Guild. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation.