C. S. Lakin is an award-winning author of more than thirty books, fiction and nonfiction, writing instructor, and professional copyeditor who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lakin's award-winning blog for writers, Live Write Thrive, provides deep writing instruction and posts on industry trends.
Her site www.CritiqueMyManuscript.com features her critique services. She teaches workshops and critiques at writing conferences and workshops around the country.
Her seven-book fantasy series, The Gates of Heaven, is available in print and ebook, allegorical fairy tales drawing from classic tales we all read in our childhood.
She also has an award-winning historical Western romance series under the pen name Charlene Whitman.
In addition to the novels she's written, Lakin also publishes writing craft books in the series The Writer's Toolbox, which help novelists learn how to write great books. Get your free ebook--Strategic Planning for Writers in 4 Easy Steps--at her blog www.livewritethrive.
Follow her on Twitter: @cslakin and @livewritethrive and like her Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/C.S.Lakin.Author