Donald A. Hodges

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Donald A. Hodges is Covington Distinguished Professor of Music Education and Director of the Music Research Institute (MRi) at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. At the MRi he oversees research projects in six areas: BioMusic, Neuroimaging of Musicians, Music Education, Musicians Hearing Health, Music Performance, and Ethnomusicology-Ecocriticism. Hodges has authored more than 140 book chapters, papers, and multimedia programs in music education and music psychology, was co-author of Music in the Human Experience: An Introduction to Music Psychology (2011) along with David Sebald, and contributing editor of the Handbook of Music Psychology and the accompanying Multimedia Companion (1980, 1996). Recent research efforts have included a series of brain imaging studies of pianists, conductors, and singers using PET and fMRI. Hodges has served on the editorial committees of the Journal of Research in Music Education, Music Educators Journal, and Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, and has presented widely across the US and internationally. His biographical sketch will appear in the forthcoming New Grove Dictionary of American Music. A current vita and copies of many of his papers can be accessed at http://
