Jim Cannon is the owner and principal consultant of Sundog Aviation. The mission of this small consultant group is to provide relevant safety information and guidance to those flight and ground operations that may be searching for implementation assistance in the development of their Safety Management Systems and Organizational Goals.
Jim has FAA type ratings in eight business jets, an MBA from the University of Connecticut and a post MBA certificate, specializing in Organizational Development and Human Relations, from University of Connecticut. Jim was the owner and past president of Jet Professionals, Inc., the Director of Flight Operations for The Home Depot, elected to the Board of Directors of the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA) where he served from 1995-2000, a member of the Corporate Advisory Committee of the Flight Safety Foundation from 1992-1998 and was appointed to the ICAO Safety Management Panel from 2011until November of 2014 when he retired from the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) as IS-BAO Program Director.
In October of 2011 Jim was honored to receive the prestigious John Winant Award from the NBAA. He has authored more than 80 articles in business aviation publications as well as having been a featured speaker at numerous NBAA and Flight Safety Foundation seminars. In January 2012, Practical Applications in Business Aviation Management, Cannon and Richey was published by Roman & Littlefield.