Kristin E. Hickman is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor and the Harlan Albert Rogers Professor in Law at the University of Minnesota Law School. She co-authors (with Richard J. Pierce, Jr.) the renowned "Administrative Law Treatise" and "Federal Administrative Law, Cases and Materials" - a popular administrative law textbook. She has written dozens of articles, essays, book chapters, and commentaries concerning Treasury Department and IRS regulatory practices, the Chevron, Skidmore, and Auer judicial deference doctrines, and various other legal topics. Her work is cited regularly in court briefs and judicial opinions, including on several occasions by the United States Supreme Court. Her scholarship has appeared in Columbia Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Duke Law Journal, Georgetown Law Journal, Virginia Tax Review, and other print and online outlets. Kristin Hickman blogs informal opinions on administrative law matters at Her homepage can be found at