Dr. Michael A. Rinella received his Ph.D. in political science in 1997. Since 1999 he has been an acquiring editor at the State University of New York Press, where he has seen through to publication over four hundred works in the humanities and social sciences. Notable among these are the non-fiction works JFK, LBJ, and the Democratic Party and The Senator from New England: The Rise of JFK. In addition he collaborated with former Kennedy/Johnson advance man Jeb Byrne in publishing his memoir Out in Front: Preparing the Way for JFK and LBJ. His efforts have been acknowledged in well over one hundred published scholarly works. He is also a freelance writer and occasional teacher of political theory, philosophy, international political economy, and military history. In the spring of 2012 he was the NEH Distinguished Visiting Professor, Philosophy, at the State University of New York, Potsdam.
He has published three books:
Oltmans, Willem L. Reporting on the Kennedy Assassination. Annotated and with an Introduction by Michael A. Rinella. Translated by David Stephenson. (University Press of Kansas, 2017).
A translation of Willem Oltmans's Een Reportage over de Kennedy-moordenaars (Bruna, 1977). Produced with the permission of the Willem Oltmans Foundation and with the support of the Dutch Foundation for Literature.
De Mohrenschildt, George. Lee Harvey Oswald as I Knew Him. Edited and Annotated by Michael A. Rinella. (University Press of Kansas, 2014). Jacketed hardcover.
An edited and annotated version of George de Mohrenschildt's unpublished book manuscript, which was being written in partnership with Willem Oltmans and originally titled The Harvey Lee Oswald I Knew (Changed to I am a Patsy! I am A Patsy! in 1976 without consulting Oltmans).
Rinella, Michael. Pharmakon: Plato, Drug Culture, and Identity in Ancient Athens (Lexington Books, 2010). Released in paperback format 2011.