John Scherber


About John Scherber John Scherber settled in Mexico in 2007. He is the author of thirty-four Paul Zacher mysteries (The Murder in Mexico series), set in the old colonial hill town of San Miguel de Allende. In addition, his award-winning nonfiction account of the expatriate experience, San Miguel de Allende: A Place in the Heart. His recent book, Into the Heart of Mexico: Expatriates Find Themselves Off the Beaten Path, tells the story of Americans and Canadians who have chosen to live in Mexico away from large English-speaking support groups. His fiction is known for its fast pace, irreverent humor, and light-hearted excursions into the worlds of art and antiques-always with an edge of suspense. Neither highbrow nor lowbrow, his mysteries are written as entertainments, and dedicated to the fun of reading. While he has acknowledged being no single one of his characters, he also admits to being all of them. His apocalyptic novel of a bio-terror attack on the U.S. is titled, Beyond Terrorism:Survival. His newest book on the expat experience, 'Expat Life: At Home in San Miguel de Allende,' points the way to a satisfying transition from a dull retirement to an engaged next step your life. Visit his website at and his BLOG,



