Cindy Engel


British author, Dr Cindy Engel is a combination of biologist and bodywork therapist – on a mission to understand the interplay of mind and body. As well as writing in peer-reviewed academic journals, she is the author of the definitive book on animal self-medication, ‘Wild Health: how animals keep themselves well and what we might learn from them’. This book topped the prestigious Berkeley popular science list and is still influential after 20 years in print. Her insights and expertise have led to interviews and articles being published in New Scientist, Financial Times Weekend, Mail on Sunday, and The Ecologist. She was also the science consultant and a contributor for BBC Radio 4’s series ‘Murder, Magic & Medicine’. Cindy has been an Associate Lecturer at The Open University for over 30 years, and she lives and works in rural Suffolk, England. Her latest book 'Another Self: How Your Body Helps You Understand Others' is a definitive explanation of somatic empathy. "Cindy Engel’s book is a work of some scholarship!" - Times Literary Supplement "Wild Health is enthralling" – Jane Goodall MBE


