Dan Ellis


Originally from New Orleans, in 1990, Ellis established permanent residence at his Pass Christian weekend home. His interest in writing lead to publishing vignette columns in local newspapers. Upon writing his earliest community heritage books, he realized that significant misinformation abounded. This resulted in his seeking primary source information from archival records in Mobile, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, New Orleans, Louisiana, and from local courthouses and churches. Ellis's books are filled with treasured photographs and maps; and he takes special effort to seek out individuals, whether obscure or prominent — those who can add a touch of personal experience by revealing anecdotal interviews. Not being able to find a willing publisher, Ellis was determined to get his history books to the general public, so he learned to be a self-publisher and now distributes his history books through bookstores and gift shops and the Internet. He also publishes much information to his several web sites that provide free access to information and photographs. Ellis's books are computerized in order to enable easy updating and error corrections. He calls himself an "Historiographer and Scrutinier," which simply translates to a "writer of history with authenticity."



