Carole Osborne


Carole Osborne was recognized by the AMTA Council of Schools as the 2008 National Teacher of the Year, a high point of 35 years as a somatic arts and sciences educator. She has been an integrative body therapist since 1974. In addition to private practice, she has worked in osteopathic, psychological, and women's medical settings. Her work focuses on facilitating somato-emotional and neuromuscular integration, particularly related to childbearing, trauma, substance and eating disorders, self-image, and nurturing. Her practice is located in San Diego, CA. Her earliest bodywork studies were with the Arica Institute, Milton Trager, and Tai chi with Master Abraham Liu, and in an apprenticeship with Edward Maupin, Ph.D. learning the structural approach of Ida P. Rolf. As her work has matured, she has developed a unique form of rhythmic deep tissue sculpting and begun incorporating osteopathic and neuromuscular soft tissue therapies. Carole co founded the International Professional School of Bodywork (IPSB), in San Diego, in 1977, where she continues to teach. She was an original faculty member at Big Sky Somatic Institute, Helena, Montana. She has taught throughout North America and in Europe. In 1980 she began collaborating with perinatal professionals and colleagues in researching and developing infant and maternity massage therapy protocols and instructional programs. She pioneered the reintroduction of therapeutic massage and bodywork to healthcare for the childbearing year. Over the years she has trained parents, hospital association staffs, and over 4000 maternity massage therapists. Carole has published two textbooks, Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy and Deep Tissue Sculpting, and her articles appear in many professional and mainstream publications. She was a major contributor to Teaching Massage. She provided consultation on several videos, and for other prenatal and infant massage media items and curricula at massage therapy schools. Penny Simkin and Phyllis Klaus' newly released book on pregnancy and sexual abuse survivors includes Carole's input. She is a professional member of many organizations and is Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. She is the mother of Josh and Elizabeth whose gestations, births, and lives inspired and continue to contribute to her work. Major Career Accomplishments Developed ground-breaking techniques and approaches to prenatal, labor and postpartum bodywork and massage Author of the definitive standard pregnancy massage training textbook, Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy Author of Deep Tissue Sculpting, foundation textbook for schools around the world Author of Infant Massage and Movement Therapy Contributing author to Teaching Massage Developed accredited pregnancy massage training curriculum, Pre- & Perinatal Massage Therapy Certification Specialization Workshop, and other maternity related curriculum Co-Founder of International Professional School of Bodywork in San Diego, 1977 Representative to 1999 Massage Research Agenda Workgroup for the Massage Therapy Research Foundation, providing input and writing 10-year research agenda Recognized leader in the field of massage therapy Consultant to Oakworks on development of Side Lying Positioning System, bolstering cushions for supporting clients in lateral recumbent position, 2009 Recipient of the 2008 Jerome Perlinski National Teacher of the Year Award, presented by the American Massage Therapy Association Council of Schools Inductee to World Massage Festival Hall of Fame, 2010. Published Articles Health Maintenance: Preventative Care for Hands and Bodies, Massage and Bodywork, July/August, 2008. Ah, What Relief! Deep Tissue Sculpting for Low-Back Pain, Massage and Bodywork, May/June, 2009. Women, Massage and Midlife, contributor, Massage Therapy Journal, Summer, 2009. The Pregnant Pelvis, Massage Magazine, Summer, 1998. An Interview with Carole Osborne, BC Practitioner, 1998. Exclusive Interview with Carole Osborne, Massage Magazine, 1993. Healing Touch for Adult Children of Alcoholics, Massage Magazine, 1989. Positioning Concerns for Prenatal Massage Therapy Supporting Pregnancy with Massage Therapy Massage Therapists & Body Workers, Contribution to When Survivors Give Birth by Penny Simkin and Phyllis Klaus,2004. Maternity Massage Therapy for Pregnant, Laboring, and Postpartum Women (Massage Magazine, October, 2010. Pregnancy Massage 101 Webinar Series, Benjamin Institute, 2012. Pregnancy Massage (contributor), Massage Therapy Journal, Fall, 2011 The Fully Responsive Massage Therapist, Massage Magazine, April 2012 3-D Anatomy for Manual Therapies DVD-ROM (contributor), Primal Pictures, April 2012


