Since I've been teaching joke writing I've had emails from all over the world asking when I will be teaching in their area. This book brings my class to you, you can follow each week, do the exercises, do the homework, see how the rest of the class have done and then look at the troubleshooting guide. The book (and my courses) came about because I wanted to get down to the nuts and bolts of teaching how to actually construct a joke. So I tackle it head on with exercises that produce jokes and examples of jokes written that way. The reader can actually watch jokes being born. The theory chapters can be read at any time to give you encouragement and make you realise that creativity is a process that we can all do, we are all the same. There is also a case study (where you follow me writing jokes on a difficult subject on a deadline) and a chapter about honing to show you what to do with all those beautiful ideas that this book will help you produce. If you are serious about writing jokes, The Serious Guide to Joke Writing is for you. Thanks for reading.