Iliya Bluskov


Dr. Bluskov (1957-) has worked as a university professor. He has also worked as a freelance writer for a number of lottery publications in Europe and North America, and has spent many years in research in Combinatorics, a branch of Mathematics, which, among other things, deals with combinatorial lottery systems. He turned his lifelong fascinations with numbers and structures into ground-breaking strategy books for lottery players. Part of his research is on determining how to achieve a specific winning guarantee in a lottery in the minimum possible number of tickets. The results in his books originate from recent research in several areas of mathematics, and have been obtained by various techniques ranging from sophisticated combinatorial constructions to applying optimization methods via thousands of hours of computations. Although based on quite advanced knowledge in mathematics and related areas, his results are described in plain language and are accessible to virtually every lotto player or a group of players.


