Stephen Key


Stephen Key is the world’s leading expert in licensing consumer product ideas and a 2018-2019 American Association for the Advancement of Science-Lemelson Invention Ambassador. He achieved repeat success as an independent inventor, including defending his intellectual property against one of the largest toy companies in federal court. The innovative packaging solution he brought to market is protected by more than 20 patents and received 15 industry awards, including two Edisons. inventRight, the coaching program he cofounded in 1999, has helped people from more than 60 countries license their product ideas. He explains how to take advantage of the power of open innovation on his popular YouTube channel inventRightTV and in Forbes, Inc., and Entrepreneur online. In 2017, he cofounded Inventors Groups of America with the goal of educating and empowering inventors and inventing group leaders. He is also the cofounder of inventYES, a free program for high school students worldwide. In 2019, he taught University of Newcastle in Australia students his 10-step strategy for licensing ideas, originally published in his bestselling book One Simple Idea: How to Turn Your Dreams Into a Licensing Goldmine. He is also the author of One Simple Idea for Startups and Entrepreneurs, Sell Your Ideas With or Without a Patent and Become a Professional Inventor: The Insider’s Guide to Companies Looking for Ideas.


