Probably like you, I wear many hats: dad, practicing clinical psychologist, husband, psychology professor, dog owner, clinic director, coach, author, sports fan, yada yada. I have 3.0 children (though if you count my neurotic Portuguese Water Dog, make that wife counts me and so declares 4.0) and have been married for 20+ years (yikes). As painful as it is, I'm also a fan of the Baltimore Orioles and the Washington Redskins, and like to fish, golf and play low stakes poker. In my professional life I direct an outpatient mental health clinic in Scranton, PA (no, I don't know Michael Scott--he moved anyway), teach doctoral courses in psychology, provide counseling services, do loads of public education and serve on the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association and the Pennsylvania Psychological Foundation. For those suffering from insomnia my entire CV can be found at I like to have an ongoing relationship with my readers. This is why I have a website devoted to providing resources for material related to my book (, a blog ( and a Twitter feed (@helpingparents). I hope my book and these resources can help to put air under your wings as you endeavor to raise a happy and reslient child/children who will help to save the world.