Aubrey Johnson is an author, educator, minister, and professional speaker on the themes of leadership and abundant living. With a Doctorate in Leadership and a Master of Divinity, Aubrey specializes in combining principles of success with spiritual insight. He is the author of seventeen books including "The Barnabas Factor: Realize Your Encouragement Potential" which was distributed to over 500 employees at Chick-fil-A’s corporate staff summit. His book, "The Seed Principle: Sowing the Life of Your Dreams," was endorsed by bestselling business authors, Steven Covey, Brian Tracy, Matthew Kelly, and Jon Gordon; leading psychologists Dr. Robert E. Wubbolding and Dr. Robert Maurer; and distinguished Christian educators, Dr. Billy Smith and Dr. Cecil May. Aubrey lives in Lebanon, Tennessee and ministers to the Old Hickory Church of Christ in east Nashville. In addition to preaching and writing, he is a popular speaker for churches, universities, and businesses. Aubrey’s latest book “Consider One Another: God’s Answer to Incivility” is available from the Gospel Advocate Company. Visit to learn more about Aubrey’s seminars on marriage and leadership.