Brian Morgan is a former business and thought leader, and a national award-winning journalist, editor, publisher and author. He lives with his wife, Judy, and grandson, Thomas, on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, after living most of their lifetime in Sydney. His life is ruled by a tiny dog called Amelia.
Brian received a private school education through high school and studied business, accounting and other tertiary courses, including applied psychology, media law, computer programming and IT, marketing and creative thinking through technical college, correspondence college and specialist colleges. He studied creative writing and journalism through correspondence college.
Since then he has served as a teacher at TAFE colleges, teaching writing, publishing and related subjects. He has also been a small business seminar leader, conducted workshops for entrepreneurs and others, and lectured to groups like the Fellowship of Australian Writers. He wrote a paper for the Australian Press Council Prize based on his experiences in journalism.
Brian was the founder of a number of businesses and institutions set up for charitable, educational and business purposes. He was the co-founder and Director of the PiPS Institute (Professional Independent Publishing Standards), launched in 2015. PiPS aims to improve the standard of Independent Publishing to best practice, and to make that standard visible.
He has had multiple careers. His first career was in business, where he chalked up a number of major achievements in national and multi-national companies. For example, he worked with the then State Finance Minister to initiate reform and restructure of the credit union movement in Australia, to make savings safer, and helped a major multi-national business restructure its operations and take over a company that was bigger than itself.
As an employee or as a consultant, he has experience in many industries, including insurance, finance and banking, manufacturing, distribution, computer industry, pastoral interests, advertising and marketing, service industries, the retail sector, and publishing (newspaper, magazine and books). He has considerable experience and expertise in event organization and management.
His particular interest, however, has been small business and he set up a number of ventures over the years for himself and others. He founded businesses in many areas, including printing, publishing, event organization, marketing and consulting.
He also founded the Australian Institute for the Self-Employed to educate and train the self-employed and small business people through his writings. He wrote a Small Business Course that was studied by many business people around Australia. He founded SEPCO, the Seminar and Exhibition Production Company, to run seminars and workshops for businesses.
However, writing was his first love and he gave up that successful career in business to learn the writing craft through journalism. His rise was rapid. He worked as journalist, sub-editor, editor, editor-in-chief, managing editor and manager on a range of mastheads in the Fairfax and Courier newspaper groups, winning numerous state and national awards in the process.
He also worked as CEO and publisher on one regional and five national magazines and has served as contributing editor on an Australian literary journal. Three of his five magazines were national business magazines in Australia.
His writing has been highly acclaimed and translated for Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese audiences. He has been a mentor to other writers for many years and has been called an Integrity Advocate because of his attitude to business and to life.
A literary agent in Chicago, Jane Jordan Browne, managed to present only one of Brian’s projects, The Legend of the Christmas Prayer, to publishers before her sad and untimely death. The Legend became a sell-out best-seller in America and Great Britain and was translated into Japanese, where it was also successful.
Despite this success, Brian has turned away from traditional publishing in favour of independent publishing and, at the time of writing, has eight printed books and 11 eBooks available in online markets. He has also published books for other authors.
Brian Morgan has served his local community in a range of capacities and has been a member and/or officer of many professional organizations. Awards and testimonials are recognition of his skills and service.