Bruce P. Grether


BRUCE P. GRETHER grew up in Southeast Asia as the son of Protestant missionaries. He lived in Berkeley, California off and on during the 1960s, and later in various other places. His diverse experience contributed to the richness of his imaginative stories. His latest title is THANKS FOR BREAKFAST, which the author calls "Rocky Mountain Magickal Realism." All of his life experience contributes to his first non-fiction book, THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN PHALLUS: MALE EROTIC ALCHEMY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. This book is designed to help men shift consciousness towards erotic authenticity and expand awareness of the male body as a holy temple... which can benefit all of humanity and the planet! Bruce has published ten books, including THE 9 REALITIES OF STARDUST: A GUIDE TO BEING HUMAN IN THE UNIVERSE. He is now and is working on more books to publish soon, including THE MOONTUSK CHRONICLES, Book 5: THE WHITE MAMMOTH; CLOUDWHALE, a sci-fi epic of cometary space; THE WAY OF THE LIVING PHALLUS: HOW PHALLIC BROTHERHOOD CAN HELP SAVE THE PLANET, and more! For more on Bruce SEE:



