36 heures dans la brume (Littérature 10 ans et +) (French Edition)
Nathalie Somers first worked as an engineer, then as a teacher, before devoting herself entirely to writing, much to the delight of her young readers. Her stories range from the fantastic to the everyday life, and are written with accuracy, mischief and humor. For Bayard Éditions Jeunesse, she is the author of the hilarious novels "Nulle en maths" and "Nul en sport", and the adventure series "La boutique extraordinaire de Nicodème". She is also published by Didier jeunesse, Rageot, Magnard and Milan. Her fantasy serie "Roslend" won the Grand prix de l'Imaginaire in 2019 and "The Hoteforais herbalist" the Prix des incorruptibles in 2023. Find her at: https://www.nathaliesomers.com/