Cyril Demaria


Cyril Demaria invests, writes and lectures about private equity. He currently manages a finder's fund (Pilot Fish I, vintage year 2009). Prior to that, he co-founded and was Chief Investment Officer of Tiaré Investment Management AG . He created a multi-strategy fund of funds focused on environment (Pionat Viable Investments). He was also an investment Associate in a private equity fund of funds (Zurich, CH), and Portfolio Manager responsible for private equity funds investments in an insurance group. As Head of Corporate Development of a profitable IT outsourcing company, he managed four acquisitions projects and raised debt to finance them. Cyril started his career in a hybrid venture capital and fund of funds firm. Specialized in IT and software, he participated in due diligence of investments of USD 30 million. A French citizen, Cyril holds a BA in Political Sciences from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Lyon), Master in Geopolitics applied to Money and Finance (Paris), Master in European Business Law (Paris, FR) and a Master from HEC (Paris). He is a doctoral candidate at University St. Gallen. An Associate Professor notably at EDHEC , ESCP-Europe, ESCE, EADA and Fipecafi, he lectures "Private Equity", "LBO", "Corporate Finance", and "International Finance". He holds training cessions AFIC, SFAF and for other organizations. Cyril collaborates regularly as an expert with the SECA, AFIC and EVCA.



