Agnès Martin-Lugand has become a major figure on the French literary scene, thanks to her gentle pen and the psychological delicacy of her stories. In twelve novels acclaimed by critics and the public alike, she has created a singular body of work that questions existence. With 5 million copies sold, Les gens heureux lisent et boivent du café (Happy People Read and Drink Coffee), Entre mes mains le bonheur se faufile, La vie est facile, ne t'inquiète pas (Don’t Worry, Life Is Easy), Désolée, je suis attendue, J'ai toujours cette musique dans la tête, À la lumière du petit matin, Une évidence, Nos résiliences, La Datcha – for which she was awarded the 2021 "Les petits mots des libraires" prize –, La Déraison and L'Homme des Mille Détours, audiovisual adaptation in progress, have captured the readers’ hearts in France and abroad. Les Renaissances is her twelfth novel.