Harry A. Milman

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Harry A. Milman, PhD, is a pharmacologist, toxicologist, and cancer expert with over fifty years of experience at the US Environmental Protection Agency, the US National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Health, and the US Public Health Service. Dr. Milman has assisted as an Expert Witness in over three hundred and fifty civil, criminal, and high-profile legal cases and has testified at trials and depositions. He has authored over seventy scientific articles and has edited five science books, including the highly acclaimed Handbook of Carcinogen Testing. Often quoted in newspapers and magazines, Dr. Milman appeared as a toxicology expert on the History Channel, the Oxygen Channel, TV and radio news programs, and in true-crime television shows. Dr. Milman is the author of three bestselling forensics books -- (1) FORENSICS: The Science Behind the Deaths of Famous People, a 2021 Readers' Favorite Finalist in the Non-Fiction, Health - Medical genre; (2) FORENSICS II: The Science Behind the Deaths of Famous and Infamous People; and (3) FORENSICS III: They Got Fifteen Minutes of Fame from the Way They Died, as well as two mystery novels—A Death at Camp David, winner of the Best Mystery Novel in the 2018 Book Talk Radio Club Awards, and SOYUZ: The Final Flight, a finalist for Best Second Novel in the 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and a finalist for Best Science Fiction Novel in the 2018 Book Talk Radio Club Awards.
