Jack Boyd was born and reared in Indianapolis, Indiana, is married, has three children and three degrees in music. He is a retired Professor Emeritus of Abilene Christian University. He has eleven published books, plus four just published on Kindle. He lives on five rural acres near Abilene in West Texas, and tends to sit on his veranda and stare at some nearby hills. He calls that working and writing; others are not so sure. The following books by Jack Boyd are currently available on Kindle: Life As It's Lives -- 46 short-short stories about West Texas Boy, Howdy! -- 45 more of the same, Vol. II Ichobod, Ph.D -- humorous novel about college, music and young love Last Name on the List -- adventure-suspense novel set in Texas Hill Country Two Pianos, One Bullet -- humorous Young Adult adventure-suspense novel From the Mist -- a mystical re-telling of Pilgrim's Progress One God, One Man -- short stories about lesser-known Biblical characters More information about each book (and the author and the author's front yard) is available on Boyd's web page at cedargapbooks.com or Cedar Gap Books.