Teri Lynne Underwood


A few years ago, a friend described me as an idea slinger — I love that! And it’s an apt description for this “love to start, get bored in the middle, sometimes I never finish” girl. :) I’m a wife, a momma, a Bible teacher, a speaker, a writer, a laundry-doer, a dishwasher, and, well, you get the idea. I’ve been teaching the Bible to women for about 20 years and writing online in some form or fashion since the long-forgotten days of MySpace. In 2015, I founded Prayers for Girls, an incredible community of girl moms built around praying Scripture every day for our daughters. Those prayer calendars led to a book, Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most (Bethany House). If I could only tell you one thing, this is what it would be—you can have a full life even if you have a full calendar! Somehow busy has become a four-letter word and I’m just not so sure that’s a good thing. I’ve found my busy-ness doesn’t keep me from engaging in Kingdom business. I write a lot about this way of thinking … I call it Lopsided Living. In my spare time, I'm usually drinking coffee and trying to figure out if there's a way to do laundry without my actually having to DO the laundry. I blog at terilynneunderwood.com where I explore topics from marriage and parenting to lopsided living and the generosity of God. My writing has been featured at For Every Mom, Ann Voskamp, and Lisa-Jo Baker as well as many other popular parenting and faith blogs.


