Rick Leland writes from the Red River Gorge area of Kentucky.
He's been a professional writer for over 20 years, with six books and hundreds of published works, including a trilogy called "Jesus at Walmart", a true story called "An Amish Awakening", a devotional named "Living the God Imprinted Life", and a new book called "Casting Out Demons for Fun and Profit".
He has a Christian Ministry degree from Indiana Christian University and trained for two years with the Christian Writers Guild.
Music is a passion for Rick and recently switched from playing the mandolin to leaning to play the guitar. He really sees himself more as a songwriter than a musician and enjoys collaborating with skilled musicians.
A runner for over four decades and is now opening a new chapter in that endeavor by taking up trail running.
Rick loves to visit a variety of styles of churches and always endeavors to be an encouragement when he visits.
He shares more at: rickleland.com