Eric Kasten


Eric Kasten, born at Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1971, grew up in Eastern North Carolina and Virginia. The son of a Navy Corpsman stationed in Camp Lejeune and Norfolk, Eric joined the Army as an M1A1 Tank crewman. After being stationed in Erlangen, Germany, Eric worked as a Technician for GTE on international telecommunications contracts. In all, he visited or worked in eleven countries. As of 2013, he is in his seventeenth year working in telecommunications. Working and studying, Eric gained his B.S. in Business Management in 2001. While living in Maryland, Eric joined the Screen Actors Guild and worked as background in several major motion pictures, on HBO's The Wire and on America's Most Wanted. He was most commonly cast as law enforcement. He also appeared in the Baltimore Opera Company production of La Boheme as the Drum Major. It was on a Telecom project that Eric met author Lisa Rogak in the Charlotte, NC airport. From that meeting the wheels began to turn and the writing bug grew. It was also recent to then that Eric began reading more books, mostly non-fiction.


