Felix R Savage

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Sign up for Felix R. Savage's mailing list to receive a FREE library of subscriber exclusive stories, set in four of his fictional universes: Earth's Last Gambit, Extinction Protocol, Sol System Renegades, and the Interstellar Railroad. These stories are not available anywhere else! http://felixrsavage.com/library

Felix was born too late to be a knight in armor, and too early to be a space colonist. He makes up for it by writing action-packed science fiction epics that have sold over 130,000 copies worldwide and become USA Today bestsellers. Restlessly driven to explore, he was born in the Deep South, grew up in the UK, and now lives in Japan with his wonderful wife, two beautiful daughters, and their feline overlords. His books cover the spectrum of science fiction, from hard SF, through space opera, to comedic science fiction, but all deliver his trademark blend of rich characterization, gripping plots, and unexpected twists. Until the day when we can vacation on Mars, this is as good as it gets!
